Wednesday, July 11, 2007

What is EFT? How can EFT help me?

EFT stands for Emotional Freedom Technique. EFT is similar to acupuncture but instead of needles you use your own fingers to tap on the bodies energy system. What really makes EFT unique is that while tapping you are tuned into what is bothering you. It can be a physical or emotional pain, trauma or personal performance block. EFT's claim to fame is that it often works where nothing else will. I have personally witnessed many so called healing miracles. I recommend trying EFT on everything, why wouldn't you? In health care we should always go for the least evasive and simplest remedy first. Sadly many people resort to dangerous drugs or surgery first and then try EFT last. This is ridiculous, yet understandable as EFT may seem weird and strange at first. The best way to explain EFT and how it works is with a short video that introduces this remarkable technique. While you can learn EFT on your own many people prefer to learn or have support and guidance from trained EFT practitioner. Please view this video and your welcome to contact me for free, no pressure, EFT phone consultation and we can see if EFT can work for you or a loved one. EFT session are provided by Tele-Phone.

Watch the new EFT video

EFT Advanced Trainer and Health Coach: Steven A Munn

Phone: 860-684-3994

Steven Munn is founder and director of Clear Point Center.
He specializes in creating World Class Retreats and
Training Programs, Emotional Release Work and Building
Community. Steve is also a sought after Trainer and Public
Speaker. His training comes from Street Smart Business
sense from starting and running multiple business since
his early twenty's. Steve sold his business in 2002 and
took a few years to explore the world and personal growth.
He went to the Institute for Integrative Nutrition to become
a certified Health Counselor, received training from Gary
Craig, founder of EFT and is a advanced EFT practitioner.
Steve completed both levels of Train the Trainer for
accelerated learning techniques, dynamic public speaking
and personal growth from Peak Potentials.

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